Tighearnan McConnell
Recruiter : Tighearnan McConnell
Tighearnan is a seasoned Recruitment Professional who has spent his entire career within the IT industry. After graduating from Queen’s University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Information Technology, he has spent 8 years matching experienced IT professionals with clients of all sizes.Tighearnan worked in a range of IT markets throughout his career including Ireland, the United Kingdom and Canada until he made the move to Australia in 2023.Tighearnan believes that in order to effectively match clients and candidates, it’s imperative to fully understand what a client is looking for from both a technical and cultural point of view. With his background in IT, he is able to fully delve into a job requirement and understand exactly what skills, experience and qualities a role requires, and most importantly why.At Frazer Tremble, Tighearnan is responsible for the areas of Software, Data and Analytics.